Company Slogan

Official Photographs and Media

King Akie Upon Throne
King Akie Upon Throne

Queen Best Lamb Upon Throne
Queen Best Lamb Upon Throne

Lamb Village Royal Standard
Lamb Village Royal Standard

Press Releases

November 14, 2011
For Immediate Release

Emissaries, dignitaries, luminaries and Lambassadors from the Royal Kingdom are pleased to announce this year’s recipient of the annual “Service to the Greater Good of Lamb Village” award. With a service record of over one hundred percent lamb love in the village and outlying interplanetary precincts, this year’s recipient, Her Majesty Queen Best Lamb is indeed undeniably worthy of this highest of honors.

As a token of his own lamb love and esteem, His Majesty the King -- himself a past recipient -- has commissioned an abstract portrait interpreting his service-oriented Queen. The painting by famed artist Lamblo Lambcasso, while not an exact representation of Her Majesty’s likeness nonetheless represents her total lambful goodliness. The painting now hangs in the hallowed atrium of Lamb Palace and is available for public viewing from 9AM-2PM Lamb Daylight Time. Please contact the Paintings and Lambalia division of the Lamb Palace Visitors Bureau for more information.

Painting of Queen Best Lamb
Painting of Queen Best Lamb
Lamblo Lambcasso
By Commission of His Majesty